Gray Behavioral Nutrition Lab

Dr. Heewon L. Gray's research lab at the College of Public Health, University of South Florida


Welcome to the Gray Behavioral Nutrition Lab

Dr. Heewon L. Gray, the director and principal investigator of the lab, has been making contributions to the field of behavioral nutrition, particularly in the area of childhood obesity prevention. Her research focuses on identifying and implementing effective behavioral strategies to promote healthy eating habits among young people and their families, utilizing mixed methods research approaches.

One of Dr. Gray's recent studies examined the impact of a nutrition education intervention on the eating behaviors of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Dr. Gray's team developed and implemented a nutrition education program that addressed the specific challenges faced by children with ASD and their families. The preliminary research from the Autism Eats project showed that the intervention led to improvements in the mealtime behaviors of the children, indicating the potential for such programs to effectively address the unique needs of this population.

In addition to her research on nutrition interventions for individuals with ASD, Dr. Gray has also studied the impact of the food environment on health outcomes. She has conducted community food projects that aim to increase access to healthy foods in underserved communities, such as farmers' markets and community gardens. Her work in this area has contributed to a growing body of research that highlights the importance of promoting food sovereignty as a means of reducing health disparities. She is currently leading an NIH-funded, community-derived multilevel-multicomponent nutrition intervention to reduce food access disparities in underserved neighborhoods.

She is currently the Chair of the Nutrition Education for Children Division of the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB: see the featured leader spotlight on SNEB Instagram or blog) and the SNEB Journal Committee. She also serves on the Board of Editors for the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. Previously, she served as the Chair of the SNEB Research Division and the Nominating Committee of the Florida Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Overall, the Gray Behavioral Nutrition Lab is committed to advancing the field of behavioral nutrition through innovative research and evidence-based interventions. 
